Impjant Nuklejari f’Malta ?

Nirreferi għaż-żjara tal-Prim Ministru Malti Lawrence Gonzi fl-Italja l-ġimgħa l-oħra u għar-rappurtaġġ tal-Konferenza Stampa konġunta mal-Prim Ministru Taljan Silvio Berlusconi kif deher f’ xi gazzetti Taljani.

Interessanti b’mod partikolari l-artiklu fil-ġurnal Il Sole 24 Ore iffirmat mill-ġurnalista Federico Rendina, fejn l-awtur jikkwota lil Silvio Berlusconi jgħid li qiegħed f’kuntatti ma’ gvernijiet viċin l-Italja għall-bini ta’ impjanti nuklejari.  L-artiklu huwa ntitolat Il Governo rilancia sull’atomo. Berlusconi: contatti per costruire centrali nucleari nei Paesi vicini.

F’dan l-artiklu l-awtur qed jimplika li Berlusconi jista’ għandu f’moħħu lil Malta, flimkien ma’ l-Albania u l-Montenegro, biex fihom jinbena impjant nuklejari.

Fil-waqt li naħseb li dan hu kollu spekulazzjoni tal-awtur hu fl-interess ta’ kulħadd li l-Prim Ministru Malti jikkonferma jew jiċħad dak li ġie rappurtat immedjatament.

Biżżejjed għandna l-problemi tagħna minħabba proġetti ta’ kobor insostenibbli fil-pajjiż ċkejken tagħna. Xi ħolma bħal din tal-Prim Ministru Taljan jonqosna !     

Sadanittant il-Gvern ħareġ stqarrija li tgħid hekk :

“Mhux veru li saru xi diskussjonijiet biex f’Malta jkun hawn xi impjant nuklejari. 

L-Alternattiva Demokratika għażlet li tirrepeti u xxandar spekulazzjonijiet dwar impjanti nukleari.   

Ir-rapport stess li ġie kwotat mill-kelliem ta’ l-Alternattiva Demokratika jindika ċar li hu wieħed spekultattiv; għalhekk kien mistenni li l-Alternattiva timxi b’aktar responsabbilta’ .”

Kulħadd jista’ jiżen dak li ntqal u inkiteb u jasal għal konkluzjoni dwar min mexa b’responsabbilta.


4 comments on “Impjant Nuklejari f’Malta ?

  1. Is-salvazzjoni huma s-sorsi ta’ energija rinovibbli : jigifieri mix-xemx u mir-rih.

    L-energija nukleari hi mbuttata ghal raguni wahda :ghax hi “carbon free”. Min jimbotta l-energija nukleari ma jaghtix kaz ta’ x’jigri bl-iskart nuklari.

    Jekk thares lejn il-pajjizi kollha fejn jaghmlu uzu mill-energija nukleari tara l-problemi kbar li ghandhom b’dan l-iskart. Fejn ser jinhazen ? L-ispiza biex tahznu hi enormi, pero meta jirreklamaw l-energija nukleari dan ma jqiesuhx.

    Bhalma ma jqiesux il-perikli kbar.

    Il-kaz ta’ Chernobyl tajjeb niftakru fih. Ghax ikkontamina il-fuq minn 40% tal-Ewropa. Sa Sqallija u possibilment anke Malta (imma lilna hadd ma qalilna xejn dakinnhar).

    Flok x’hemm hazin ahjar tistaqsi ” x’hemm tajjeb?”

  2. Ma nahsibx li l-Prim Ministru L. Gonzi u l-Amministrazzjoni prezenti ikunu daqshekk irresponsabbli li biss jikkunsidraw il-possibilta li f’Malta jinbena Impjant Nuklejari…pero wiehed ma jista’ qatt ikun cert. Allahares! Jien bhal hafna ohrajn preokkupat hafna sahansitra bil-possibilta li jinbnew Rejatturi Nuklejari fil-pajjizi vicin taghna bhal-Libja, Egittu, Tunezija, Marokk…Il-President Franciz Sarkozi ghandu jqis l-affarijiet tajjeb hafna qabel ma jaghmel xi wahda tinkiteb fl-istorja Ewropeja…jekk mhux Dinjija! Ir-Responsabbilta ghanda tigi qabel il-Kummerc!

  3. I agree with you 100% gvern doppia faccia that are shooting in the air without aiming at the target. The target has been for over a decade to close down Marsa power station and its sick effected citizens and what is being done to stem the rising cost of energy production!!!!! nothing .Just empty talk, and put the blame and reponsability on consumer, what cheek.
    Serious prime minister should take the bull by the horns and not let enemalta monopoly dictate.
    Instead of being idiotic and paying out over double and now perhaps in the near future with removed subsidy triple the peoples money to buy oil for production.saying we had no forsight while other countries have been mobilizing for over two decades.
    The following scenario should be 10yrs
    1) create immediately an alternate energy fund and a national citizen energy cooperative from the suffering maltese payers subsidy to produce a min of 25% of alternate energy

    2)Give free on every rooftop(100,000) the flat tub plastic solar gyzer and enforce it(we have more than payed for it through your letargy)
    this would lower electricity consumption by 5% thus giving the money back to the people in the form of the solar Gyzer instead to the oil magnates,creating an alternative energy of 20MW .
    By erecting 10 2.2MW wind turbines on the cliffs and 4 2.2MW on Gozo cliffs this would give 30MW 8%

    3)Prompt the local alternate energy comp to produce the 2.2/4.0 Kw pv panel units by subsidising 50/75% of the investment on 10,000 roof 30/40MW .(15%of population)

    Let local industry florish by really liberalizing the energy market:what do you think the maltese people are idiots. make enemalta pay the new partner the real cost of their energy production and not the 7eurocent.

    MALTA WAKE UP. Free the maltese from this nightmare. create new jobs in industry, new jobs in energy maintenance service industry. lower medical cases, cleaner environment by having energy bills reduced by 80%.through alternative energy.
    this would be enough to shut down our cancerous marsa plant. show EU we are not empty vessels and can surpass
    kyoto protocols.And then perhaps the p;rimeminister can be remembered in the annals of history for saving society from imminent disaster or at the rate we are regressing …. God forbid!!
    We are already the last in line from all the other EU members and we are situated in the golden belt . How ignorant can politicians be, whom do you think you are trying to fool the Maltese idiots!.

    frustrated citizen

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